Friday, May 6, 2011

New Blog

I've got a new blog that I'm experimenting with. I'm trying to do a picture a day for our family's journaling purposes...hopefully I'll stick with it! Check it out.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Henry's Here!

Baby boy Henry Terry Faas arrived Feb. 28, a day before I was scheduled to be induced. I've never gone into labor on my own so I was kind of excited that he decided to come early. I've been wanting to know what that would be like...and now I know. :) My actual due date was March 5. I had my first labor contraction at about 8:30 am on that Monday morning. After a trip to Sam's club and Walmart at about 1:00pm that day on the way to the hospital to get last minute baby things, Henry arrived safe and sound by 7:00 that night. Labor and delivery were textbook perfect and we feel really, really blessed. He was bigger than Eli but smaller than Emme at 9lbs. 3oz. We just love our big boy and he's doing great. Here are some pictures in random order.

The proud big brother and big sister.

The proud mom.

The proud dad.

New baby.

Right before we left for the hospital.

Henry at 1 week old.

The best buddies.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

We've got news! (just in case you haven't heard)

We're having baby number 3 and it's gonna be a boy. We're so, so excited. He's due on March 5. And here's a couple of random pictures from Eli's first day of preschool back in September because I forgot to post them. (The ultrasound pictures of the baby weren't all that exciting.:)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Aloha...from Southern CA -- Parte Uno

We were in Southern California a couple of weeks ago for many festivities. The main event was Nick and Ashley's wedding (Matt's brother)....more to come on that later. Anyway, we had a fab time as always and here are some pics. They are in no particular order because I have no idea how to use blogger and so my pictures never upload the way I planned.

Emmeline beaching it up...

His name is Elijah.

Emmeline getting a little lesson on how it's done by no other than the pro golfer of the family. :)

Upated family pic...we've had worse.

Two of us will float and one of us will not...

And that's my dear old Dad...we had a little time admist the Faas festivities to pay him a little visit on San Diego harbor one morning.

Emme with her new Woody doll she couldn't live without after a long day at Disneyland...the next day of course, he was old news.

With the Mouse himself.

Eli with his two favorite movie stars.

A lot of my pictures with the kids went like this that day.

If they could just start that rocket sooner, we'd have a happy baby girl.

Emme could not get enough of the oversized characters. She would cry when it wasn't her turn. Pretty cute actually.

So that's a sampling of our trip...more to come later. Hopefully before Christmas. :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

March Madness and Easter

Matt and I both went to BYU so when BYU makes it into some sort of tournament, we become fans for the day, which is usually the duration of BYU in such tournaments. Luckily for us this year, we were able to watch 2 nail biters. And yet, after they lose, each year we swear that we will no longer root for teams that never, ever win. We say we're going to become Duke, Colts, and Yankees fans. But somehow, each year, we're pulled back to the teams in our hearts. But why we even bother with the Suns, I'll never know. Can someone just tell me if they will ever win a championship? Go Lakers!
Anyway, I digress. Back to the pictures. We proudly wore our BYU blue during BYU's last basketball game and we have family pictures to prove it!

Eli with his new favorite toy, the Walmart $2.95 salad spinner. It's good for spinning lettuce too.

Yep, there we are. Rise and shout, the cougars are out! Even though my sweatshirt isn't striped, I was the only one wearing "official" BYU gear. Go me.

There's Emmel, cheering on the cougs to their defeat. We did our best.

New day, Eli playing with trucks of course.

Our crazy girl.

Her new favorite thing is to climb in her doll stroller. She gets really upset when I try to tell her she's too big and take her out.

Coloring eggs for Easter...what a guy!

The hunt. I must say, I love Easter morning in AZ. The weather never disappoints...perfect for being outside. And Eli LOVED finding all the eggs.

I just love the way she furrows her brows. I just think it's so cute.

Cute crazy girl...with a little residue from the dirt she just ate. I thought she'd be done with the "put everything in your mouth" stage by now.

A picture together...these are hard to get. Gotta love them when you get them.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


"Unders" or underwear are this boy's pant of choice. Bum rag flying, running in unders...this pretty much says it all. Happy almost-spring!

Belated Christmas

Here are a few belated Christmas pics. This was Christmas Eve at my parents house which is always fun.

Cute Emme girl.

Shepherd with a shaver...he was shaving during pretty much the whole program...or playing with cars (see below). What can I say.

She was very adamant in showing us she was no angel as she ripped off her crown.